145+ Funny Bible Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

“The lighter side of scripture with these humorous Bible quotes that will bring a smile to your face.”

The Bible is often known for its profound wisdom, historical lessons, and spiritual guidance, but it also contains moments of lightheartedness and wit that can make you chuckle. While the primary purpose of the Bible is to instruct and inspire, there are verses sprinkled throughout that showcase God’s sense of humor and human nature in all its quirky, sometimes comical, glory.

In this post, we’ll take a look at funny Bible quotes that are sure to bring some joy and laughter to your day. From the humorous observations of human behavior to the playful wordplay in scripture, these quotes remind us that laughter is a gift, even in the most sacred of texts.

Importance of Funny Bible Quotes

Funny Bible quotes may not be the first thing people associate with scripture, but they hold great value in the Christian faith.

Humor in the Bible helps us understand that faith and joy can coexist, reminding us that God is present not only in moments of seriousness but also in the lighter, more humorous aspects of life. Here’s why funny Bible quotes are important:

 Relatable and Humanizes Scripture

Funny Bible quotes make the Bible more relatable to everyday life. Many people see the Bible as a book of serious teachings, but these humorous moments remind us that the characters in the Bible were human, just like us.

They experienced joy, laughter, and moments of lightheartedness amidst their struggles. This relatability makes the scriptures feel more personal and approachable, especially for people who may feel disconnected from the weightier topics often found in the Bible.

 Brings Joy and Comfort

Humor is a powerful tool for bringing joy and comfort, and the Bible incorporates humor to uplift believers during difficult times. Laughter has a therapeutic effect—it reduces stress, boosts mood, and helps people cope with challenging circumstances.

Funny Bible quotes serve as a reminder that, despite life’s trials, there’s always room for joy. They provide light in the darkness, helping us to keep going and trust that God is in control.

1. Humor in God’s Creation

  • “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good… and the giraffe was just a little funny-looking!”
  • “Let us make man in our image… but make sure they have a sense of humor!”
  • “And on the eighth day, God created coffee—because He knew we’d need it.”
  • “He made the animals, then He made man—just to see how they would get along.”
  • “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and the light said, ‘Let’s party!'”
  • “You made the cows and the bees, but the platypus was an afterthought!”
"You made the cows and the bees
  • “God took one look at humans and said, ‘I’ll give them thumbs, but they’ll still struggle with opening jars.'”
  • “The first human was Adam. And he was definitely the first guy who didn’t read the instruction manual.”
  • “He made the birds fly, and the fish swim, and then said, ‘Let’s make some humans who can’t seem to do either without help!'”
  • “Adam called his wife ‘Eve’ because ‘she who must be obeyed’ was too long.”
  • “He gave us laughter as a gift, and then made the first joke when He told Eve to ‘leave’ the garden.”
  • “God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh—probably because He knew Sunday was going to be all about football!”
  • “He created man in His own image… and then gave him haircuts that defied reason.”
  • “He made the moon and the stars, but forgot to tell us why they always seem so far away!”
  • “God made all creatures, but He gave man the job of figuring out why cats can’t just get along.”
  • “God made everything, but the Wi-Fi was definitely not part of the divine plan.”
  • “God made humans in His image—and then gave us the awkward ability to trip over absolutely nothing.”
  • “When God created the heavens and the earth, He probably chuckled at the idea of us asking for better weather.”
  • “He created light, but still, we fumble for the switch in the dark.”
  • “God created Adam and Eve, and after all that effort, the first couple still couldn’t figure out the perfect date night!”


2. Funny Observations About Humans

  • “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure—let’s hope it still has a sense of humor!”
  • “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man quietly holds it back—most of the time!”
  • “Man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps… especially when you’re trying to find your keys!”
  • “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones… and nobody wants that.”
  • “And on the seventh day, God looked at His creation and said, ‘Well, at least I gave them coffee!'”
  • “You were made for good works… but sometimes those works involve searching for the remote.”
  • “Even the sparrows fall, but don’t worry, the Lord still finds them funny!”
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"Even the sparrows fall
  • “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked, but humans, they try!”
  • “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… except for the last cookie in the jar!”
  • “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, especially if he’s carrying too many shopping bags!”
  • “And Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me,’ but not until they finish their vegetables.”
  • “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own? Maybe because the plank is blocking your view of dessert!”
  • “The last shall be first… and possibly last again, depending on how long the lunch line is!”
  • “You are the salt of the earth, but you’re also the pepper, the paprika, and the chili powder, all wrapped up in one!”
  • “Man does not live on bread alone… but a little chocolate wouldn’t hurt.”
  • “Do not store up treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, but store up treasures in heaven—and in your fridge!”
  • “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still… except when your kids are in the house!”
  • “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak—especially when it comes to dessert.”
  • “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth—He probably thought, ‘Let’s see how they mess this up.'”
  • “God gave us free will, but sometimes it seems like we’d prefer a GPS instead.”


3. Jesus’ Wit and Wisdom

  • “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s… but can we pay in installments?”
  • “Jesus wept—probably because he couldn’t find Wi-Fi in the desert!”
  • “The meek shall inherit the earth… but they might need to fight off the traffic first.”
  • “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me,’ and then immediately regretted not bringing snacks!”
  • “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, small but mighty… unless you’re allergic to mustard.”
  • “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you—especially when it involves sharing the last piece of pizza!”
  • “Jesus turned water into wine… so that the party could continue!”
"Jesus turned water into wine
  • “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… especially if He’s got a really good playlist!”
  • “Jesus said, ‘Follow me,’ and His followers said, ‘We’ll just need to take a selfie first!'”
  • “Blessed are the cheesemakers… because cheese is a gift from God!”
  • “I am the bread of life… but can I have a side of butter with that?”
  • “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself… but let’s still bring snacks just in case.”
  • “You are the light of the world… just make sure to keep your phone charged for selfies!”
  • “The first shall be last… unless they’re late for dinner.”
  • “Let your yes be yes and your no be no… unless it’s about dessert—then we negotiate!”
  • “The good shepherd leaves the 99 to find the one… but he might check Twitter first.”
  • “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them… with snacks.”
  • “But Jesus said, ‘Do not be afraid,’ especially when you’re about to eat your last piece of cake!”
  • “Take heart, I have overcome the world—and I’ve also figured out how to make avocado toast!”


4. Humor in Bible Stories

  • “Noah spent 40 days on a boat with animals… and you think your family road trips are tough!”
  • “Moses parted the Red Sea… but it probably took a while to figure out how to do it.”
  • “Jonah was swallowed by a fish… and probably got a lot of strange looks when he walked into Nineveh!”
  • “David defeated Goliath with a stone—sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest impact!”
  • “Abraham and Sarah had Isaac when they were really, really old. Talk about a surprise!”
  • “Solomon asked for wisdom—God gave him a great response, but he could have used a nap!”
  • “Elijah went up to heaven in a chariot of fire… not your average way to leave a party!”
  • “Samson lost his strength when Delilah cut his hair—maybe he should have stuck with hats!”
  • “Jacob wrestled with an angel—talk about a divine workout!”
  • “Noah had a zoo on his ark, and somehow, the mosquitoes were the worst part.”
"Noah had a zoo on his ark
  • “Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt—guess she was a little too salty about leaving Sodom.”
  • “Esther saved her people, but let’s be honest, she was probably just tired of the drama!”
  • “Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery… and then had to deal with his dream interpretations!”
  • “Ruth stayed with Naomi, and they both ended up with a great-grandson named David… talk about a family reunion!”
  • “The disciples couldn’t catch fish until Jesus showed up—and then they had so many they needed a bigger boat!”
  • “King Saul was always on the run from David… maybe because David had the best dance moves.”
  • “Peter walked on water, but he probably didn’t do it in flip-flops!”
  • “Paul wrote letters, but even he couldn’t get a good Wi-Fi signal for all of them.”
  • “The Bible has all the drama of a reality show—only with better advice!”
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5. God’s Sense of Humor

  • “God has a sense of humor. Just look at the platypus!”
  • “He gave us free will, and we’ve used it to make all kinds of questionable fashion choices.”
  • “God created laughter, and we laugh at everything—even the embarrassing stuff!”
  • “He made the world with perfect symmetry… except when it comes to socks!”
  • “God’s creations are amazing—and sometimes, we wonder how He thought up the unicorn.”
  • “God knew we’d need laughter to cope with Mondays!”
  • “You think you’ve got a funny bone? Wait until you meet the man who invented puns.”
  • “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and we were like, ‘Yay, but could you add Wi-Fi too?'”
  • “God knew we’d need humor to make it through family dinners!”
  • “The heavens declare the glory of God, but the squirrels in the backyard declare their own kingdom!”
  • “God’s plan for us is perfect… but He may have a sense of humor when it comes to our plans.”
God’s plan for us is perfect
  • “No one told the flamingos that God was serious about them being pink!”
  • “God’s creation is so perfect, but even He knew we’d need coffee.”
  • “When life gives you lemons, God’s probably just giving you a chance to make lemonade.”
  • “God’s got the whole world in His hands, but we still can’t find the car keys!”
  • “We were made in God’s image, but no one warned us about the hair on the back of the neck.”
  • “God’s humor is evident in the way we can laugh at the small things, even when life feels big.”
  • “God gave us laughter as a gift, but we’re still trying to figure out why cats think they own the place.”
  • “The Lord made the oceans, but He probably laughed a little when He made the waves dance.”


6. Laughter in Life’s Trials

  • “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I’ll still have a sense of humor—because I know I’m not alone!”
  • “When life gives you trouble, remember: even the greatest kings had bad hair days.”
  • “Job lost everything, but he never lost his faith—and we think he probably had a good joke or two to lighten the mood!”
  • “When you feel burdened, just remember, Moses had to carry two stone tablets down a mountain—and still managed to be a great leader!”
  • “Paul was in prison, but he still found time to write letters—he must have had a sense of humor to keep going!”
  • “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning—and so does coffee.”
  • “When life gets hard, sometimes you have to laugh first and pray later.”
  • “The Bible says God won’t give you more than you can handle—but He never mentioned handling in-laws!”
  • “Even in the midst of struggle, remember that laughter is God’s way of helping us cope.”
Even in the midst of struggle
  • “Sarah laughed when told she would have a son, and it turned into joy—and probably a few funny stories later.”
  • “God’s plan may be mysterious, but sometimes we have to laugh at the surprises He sends our way.”
  • “David slayed a giant—but not before he probably cracked a few jokes to calm his nerves!”
  • “Paul’s letters were full of encouragement, but we bet he had a few funny moments along the way.”
  • “Even in the storms of life, remember that laughter can be your umbrella.”
  • “God never promised an easy road, but He did give us the ability to laugh through the detours!”
  • “Life’s challenges may be tough, but you’ll be surprised how humor helps you bounce back.”
  • “Even in tough times, we can laugh at the unexpected blessings that come our way.”
  • “Even after hardship, God’s joy is there to lift us up—and we bet He’s got a good joke for us too!”
  • “Don’t be afraid to laugh during the hard times. It’s a reminder that God’s with you through it all.”
  • “Sometimes the best response to life’s chaos is to pause, laugh, and trust that God’s in control.”


7. The Bible’s Play on Words

  • “Jesus was the Bread of Life—but even He probably agreed that pizza is better with extra cheese!”
  • “The Lord is my shepherd, but I still don’t understand why my sheep won’t stay in the pen!”
  • “Moses parted the Red Sea, but sometimes I can barely get through traffic!”
  • “God gave us talents—unfortunately, I’m still trying to find my dancing ability.”
  • “Jesus calmed the storm—but it still doesn’t stop my coffee from getting cold!”
  • “A good shepherd knows His sheep—but does He know how to navigate a Wi-Fi network?”
  • “David had the courage to face Goliath—and the wisdom to wear a slingshot that day.”
  • “The Bible says not to worry about tomorrow, but have you seen the state of my laundry pile?”
  • “God made the sun to rule the day—but I still can’t figure out why I’m always late for work!”
  • “The disciples never took selfies, but you know they’d have great profile pictures if they did.”
  • “Abraham’s faith was strong, but he probably questioned why it took so long for his son to arrive.”
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"Abraham’s faith was strong
  • “The Good Samaritan helped a stranger—but I’m still trying to help my neighbor with a Wi-Fi password!”
  • “Joseph’s coat was made of many colors—but he still couldn’t find the right shade of red.”
  • “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth—but He left the furniture rearranging to us!”
  • “Jesus told the disciples to fish for people—but I can’t even catch a fish in the pond!”
  • “Noah took animals two by two on the ark—because someone had to clean up after them!”
  • “The Bible says God is light, but I still trip over the shoes in my closet.”
  • “Jesus said, ‘Follow me’—but He didn’t mention how hard it would be to find good parking!”
  • “You are the salt of the earth—but maybe you should add a little pepper for some spice!”
  • “God made the heavens and the earth—and He also made sure we’d have humor to enjoy them.”


8. Humor in Relationships

  • “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church… but don’t forget to laugh at her jokes!”
  • “Wives, submit to your husbands—but don’t be afraid to laugh when they don’t know how to fix the leaky sink!”
  • “Love your neighbor as yourself—but don’t borrow their lawnmower without asking!”
  • “Two are better than one—especially when one can’t remember where they put the keys!”
  • “Better is a neighbor nearby than a brother far away—and definitely better than a brother who eats your snacks!”
  • “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another—especially when you’re trying to beat them in a game of Monopoly!”
  • “Honor your father and mother—unless they make you help with the dishes!”
  • “Parents, don’t provoke your children to anger—but do laugh when they think their ‘mad face’ is scary!”
  • “A cheerful heart is good medicine—but no one ever mentions that it’s also contagious!”
  • “A friend loves at all times, and a good friend laughs when they see you trip over your own feet!”
"A friend loves at all times
  • “Fathers, don’t exasperate your children—but feel free to teach them how to laugh at themselves!”
  • “Laughter is shared between friends—but so are the embarrassing stories!”
  • “A wise man loves his wife, but a really wise man knows when to laugh at her jokes!”
  • “Friends are like the salt of the earth—but they also add spice to your day with a good laugh!”
  • “Honor your father and mother—but don’t forget to laugh when they forget what they’re saying halfway through the sentence!”
  • “The husband is the head of the wife—but she’s definitely the one holding the TV remote!”
  • “A wife of noble character is worth far more than rubies—but she also deserves a good laugh after a tough day!”
  • “A cheerful heart has good food in the fridge—but it’s always funnier when it’s ice cream!”
  • “Laugh together, and you’ll find your bond stronger—even when you’re fighting over the last slice of pizza.”
  • “Marriage is a blessing—but sometimes it’s the jokes that make it even better.”


Key Insight

1. Why does the Bible have humorous moments?

The Bible contains moments of humor because it reflects the reality of human life. God understands the importance of joy and laughter in our daily lives. While the Bible is full of teachings and wisdom, it also provides moments that show the lighter side of life, offering comfort and a reminder that it’s okay to laugh and enjoy life.

2. Can laughter be part of faith according to the Bible?

Yes, laughter is not only accepted but also encouraged in the Bible. Proverbs 17:22 states, “A cheerful heart is good medicine,” highlighting the importance of joy and humor in our well-being. Jesus Himself used humor and storytelling to teach valuable lessons, showing that laughter is part of living a full, balanced life with God.

3. Are there any Bible verses that directly mention laughter?

Yes, several Bible verses mention laughter, including Ecclesiastes 3:4: “A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” This shows that laughter is part of the human experience and is even woven into God’s plan for us. Laughter can bring comfort and is a way to lighten the spirit during difficult times.

4. How can I use humor to strengthen my faith?

Using humor can make you more relatable to others and allow you to see the lighter side of life’s challenges. Laughter helps to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and foster better relationships. Embracing humor, as shown in Bible stories, allows believers to experience joy and strengthen their connection with God while dealing with everyday struggles.

5. Do any Bible characters demonstrate a sense of humor?

Yes, several Bible characters showed humor in their actions. For example, Sarah laughed when she was told she would have a child in her old age (Genesis 18:12), and Elijah had a playful exchange with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:27). These instances show that even in serious moments, God’s people expressed humor, which can be a healthy way to navigate life’s challenges.


Humor has a unique way of breaking down barriers, bringing joy in the midst of struggles, and even teaching valuable lessons. Funny Bible quotes remind us that even in the most serious of moments, laughter is a divine gift. Whether it’s through the playful language, witty observations, or comical stories in scripture, these quotes offer lighthearted moments that make us smile and appreciate the joy in life. So, next time you need a pick-me-up, take a moment to read these funny Bible quotes and remember to find laughter, even in life’s most sacred moments.

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